Central MA Chapter of Trout Unlimited (#148)
Hosts High School Fly Fishing Tournament
May 13, 2017
Quinapoxet River (Meet at The Trout Brook Recreation Area, Holden, MA)
9:00 a.m.
2:00 p.m.
— Casting Distance
— 3 Hours “On The Water”
For more information, email:
MassWildlife/Trout Unlimited Forum, March 18, 2017
The MA-RI Council is pleased to inform you of a joint MassWildlife/Trout Unlimited Forum on March 18th at the spectacular field headquarters of MassWildlife in Westborough. Mass.
Come hear about the important conservation projects that your chapter and the MA-RI Council have recently invested in and the partnership that we are developing with MassWildlife. Meet with representatives of other like-minded organizations, like land conservancies, watershed associations, and other citizen stewardship councils. This is one of the year’s premier opportunities to meet policy influencers and makers and to develop other alliances.
More information and registration may be found here .
We hope to see you there!
Marlborough Fly Fishing Show , January 20-22, 2017
Pioneer Valley Chapter staffing the MA/RI Council table at the 2017 Marlborough Fly Fishing Show. Thanks to chapter members Bill Donnelly, Jerry Fratini, Rosemarie Goyette, Gary Metras, Dan Moraski, and Bob Regish. We talked up the TU mission, handed out membership applications, networked, and raised some money for the chapter. A good time had by all.
Letter from Council Chair, January 2017
Pioneer Valley Fly Tying Extravaganza!
2017 Meeting Schedule Announced
MA-RI Council of Trout Unlimited has announced the following meeting schedule for 2017:
January 29
April 23
May 20 (@ Indian Hollow)
September 24
December 10
All meetings will be held at the Massachusetts Audubon Broad Meadow Brook Conservation Center in Worcester, MA , unless noted differently above. The meetings begin promptly at 11 a.m. and conclude by 1 p.m.